Life at Navjivan Hospital - Never a cause for Rue

I remember those moments 10 years ago (Jan 2004)when i started this journey.It was a time filled with doubts regarding my future and life.Its not only a question of career but about "what kind of  man should i be if i am led by god".I was sure of certain signs which was very unnatural which had confirmed my decision to move on in a certain direction.May be i was not mature enough then to step out in faith.Well like the Christian who was pointed by the evangelist to follow a "way" i was pointed a way by a senior man in EMFI (Evangelical Medical Fellowship of India).I still am grateful that he had sent me there.May be it was a random choice based on a need.Nevertheless it had its own mysterious ways to shape my life.Well at least he gave me a glimpse of a temporary destination in a remote area in Jharkhand.My parents had agreed to send me to a land unknown.I was blessed with them to support me in this journey.

When i reached the Ranchi railway station i made a call to the hospital to pick me up.They promptly told me that they were unaware of my arrival on that particular day and advised me to stay somewhere in Ranchi.I was perplexed but fortunately i had an relative in Ranchi and went to his home wondering what kind of start is this .The next day the hospital vehicle came and the driver gave me a warm welcome.He took me on a four hour drive in the night through a rough terrain.It was complete darkness most of the time except for the headlights.I was wondering what kind of place he is taking me to.I sat tight till we reached in front of a dimly litted shop in a place called tumbagada where the 100 bedded Nav Jivan hospital was quietly sleeping.From then on it was an adventure worth living for the next two years.

1.Fellowship - As i went on with my daily chores at  NJH, something beautiful blossomed between the people who were working there.I was blessed with a wonderful company of junior doctors - Dr Jeevan,Dr Johnson Bage,Dr Nandmani and Dr Ango.We were in various stages of our life with our own idiosyncrasies and weakness.But some how we learned how to be there for one another in trying circumstances.We had a company of seniors who guided us - Dr Chering, Dr Bala,Dr Binks,Dr Vikram and Grace.The sunday fellowship , music,songs and cakes were one of the best times of our life.It was a joy to walk with people of faith in various stages and inclinations and to be led by them.It was at NJH i saw a glimpse of an authentic christian church and community not in terms only of perfection and holiness but also in terms of  weakness,brokenness and likeness.

2.Faith - I was sure of my faith and direction in those days atleast thats what i thought.I had some intensive reading of Philip Yanceys work when i had time.That was the first time i was introduced and exhorted to experience faith with brutal honesty.I was reading the book "disappointment with god".I asked one of my seniors there  have you ever felt disappointed with god  and she answered not till date!Well i thought my growing conviction on the ambiguous nature of faith and a slow drift from certainty was an anomalous thought.Nevertheless as time passed by ,the breaking of my self and the others with me led me to believe that its ok to be disappointed and disillusioned with him than to deny reality and act like a saint always.My Faith was reconstructed and channelised to a different direction and it required a place like NJH to do it!

3.Feelings - As i had mentioned earlier NJH (Navjivan Hospital)  was a place  where i was able to experience genuine feelings in a community context.Hardship,friendship,frustration,romance,anger,heartfelt laughter,painful moments,cry,sense of purpose all became real and close to my heart.The theoretical knowledge of feelings became a reality in the thick of things as we led our lives.Its quite an unique experience  to live life in a community context as the church in south india (so do many contemporary churches) where i come from has absolutely no clue or inclination towards living as a christian community.Authentic feelings in a christian community context was the advantage of being in a place like NJH. It aint no heaven but mind you if you and i do not embrace people on earth how are we going to be with them in heaven?Atleast heaven has no private rooms!May be living in a place like NJH for a while will teach us a lesson or two in living sober and simple amidst christian believers in close proximity who are warring and loving but at the same time living with each other.

4.Fresh medical knowledge.I had umpteen no of opportunities to learn how to be a doctor in a rural setting with limited resources.Managing a pregnant woman with complications,a sick medical patient suffering from Tuberculosis, treating an injured extremist were all in a days work.These experiences are an eye opener to the grim reality of healthcare in India.If at all healthcare in India wakes up to the reality of inequality it would be because of the sound of the bugle raised by the warriors working in places like NJH telling the world to pull up their socks and run where the battle ground is.

It was a life worth living at NJH,long term or short term and i assure you its not for the faint hear ted or feeble minded.If somebody feels that god has called you to make a difference in this world full of injustice and cruelty NJH is the place to be.If any body is convinced that he is a warrior let him gird himself up  and go to the battle fronts at NJH. Its not going to be without blood and sweat but i assure you the place has so great a cloud of witnesses before you......

Now the hospital has a new team led by Dr Jeevan Kuruvilla.They are doing a fantastic job in the areas of maternal health and internal medicine.

I am not in NJH anymore but i remember my life there fondly after 10 years.I do carry the unerasable imprints of it with me and its never a cause for rue............


  1. so good to hear this... as a Nav Jivan alum I can identify with much that you shared bro... and so good to see that you are still serving our loving Lord at Madhipura! 1 Cor. 15.58

    love from the Eichers in Thane!


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