Unholy nights
This is a time of turbulence and tumult for the largest
democracy in the world. The spirit of democracy is being threatened by divisive
forces and the people are taking the streets to show their discontent. It was
quite disheartening to see the unrest in all cadres of the society starting
from students, universities, media, political parties and agitated common man
.The fabric of a secular India envisioned by our forefathers and what we
enjoyed partially in our generation is under threat by a majoritarian
government with divisive policies and the people are left to fend for
themselves taking to the streets demanding justice and equality.
Though its encouraging to see a mass reaction to injustice
and quenching of a secular spirit by the general public I was also surprised
why there were no reactions in similar vein when two states of our nation
namely Jammu and Kashmir and Assam were used as a prelude to the gross
political exercise which were about to unleash upon the whole nation? There
were shutdown on internet and imprisonment of political voices within the
states to forcibly achieve the political motives of a disillusioned government.
Where were our brethren when there was mass imprisonement of public voices and
when the whole nation was kept in dark about the atrocities in Kashmir?I soon
realized that the only reason for our late reaction to atrocities in our nation
is because we humans don’t bother for our own fellow brethren unless and until
our own backs are on fire. Only when the government announced that there will
be a nationwide census and implementation of citizenship act the unified protests started .Is it not a form of
selfishness on our part to maintain a stoic silence and fail to see the
suffering of our fellow brother and sisters in this great diverse country? Are
we so naïve to think that what happens in one corner of the nation will not
catch up with us? I wish we had lesser threshold to show our displeasure
against political decisions which may not directly concern us nevertheless may
affect our fellow country men thereby creating
a strong democracy with penchant for unity within diversity.
Ironically the first Christmas was localized to Bethlehem, a
tiny inconspicuous place in Judah due to a census carried about by the then
King Augustus Caesar. Of course there was no documentation of a malignant
divisive intent behind it nevertheless the consequences forced Mary and Joseph
to “return” to their native place to register their citizenship and take part
in the census.I only hope and believe a similar massive population movement due to this
political exercise in our nation would give birth to hope in the minds of the
displaced knowing that the god of this world was also a victim of a similar circumstance forcing his birth in a manger in a cold night.Let my actions spread
this message of solidarity of the living god to the people who are experiencing
fear and alienation because of this chaotic totalitarian non inclusive
political agenda.
To a government unmindful of the plights of its citizen and
intransigence many more unholy nights of suffering will follow the common man.I
wish Harish Khare is true that the “The Modi regime has ordered its own
custom-made Achilles heel.”
May the good lord help me to stand up against the forced
coercion, and speak up rather than watchfully wait for a spontaneous breakthrough
from heavens !
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